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What's the difference between Exclusive and Non Exclusive licenses?

If you buy a song with an Exclusive license it's yours to keep, forever.
All the products with an Exclusive license are automatically deleted from our store after the purchase.
We believe that everyone deserves a personal piece of art for their project, that's why exclusive licensed
tracks are characterized by a unique theme.

Non Exclusive licensed tracks are suitable for every kind of video game and indie project.

License Type
Lifetime License
Exclusive Download
Unique Theme
Exclusive License
Non Exclusive License


Both exclusive and non exclusive tracks will give You a lifetime license for commercial and
non commercial use in videogames.
You are not allowed to sell and distribute our music in every other way, because all our songs are protected
by copyright law.


We support our composers and their careers.
If You need a custom track, we offer our skills at competitive prices.


If You believe in the usefulness of our service, You can also support us and our composers with credits.
You can find composers' names in every product's readme.


By reaching an agreement between composers and developers, we are also available to sell our soundtracks on Steam.

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